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Your Guide to a DIY Mother’s Day
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Your Guide to a DIY Mother’s Day

It’s finally May. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and the weather is getting warmer. It’s a nice distraction from all the COVID-19 related stress and anxiety we’ve been dealing with these past few weeks. But you know what else is coming up? Mother’s Day! And that means shopping for gifts. Did you know that consumers spend over $25 billion on Mother’s Day?! Whoa! That’s a lot of flowers and spa gift cards. But did you also know that a survey of mom’s found that a clean house or a full night’s sleep topped the list of most-wanted gifts? So, rather than dropping a bunch of cash on things your mom (or wife, or daughter, or friend) doesn’t really want, show them just how much you care with these DIY Mother’s Day gift ideas:

Write a Mother’s Day Letter

Life, on a normal day, is full of responsibilities, tasks, and to-dos. The days are long but the years are short and we sometimes lose perspective. If there is a new mom (or a seasoned one) in your life, they may be too exhausted to remember the little things. Or, worse yet, they may feel unrecognized for the hard work they’ve silently put into bearing and raising their children. Write them a letter to remind them. Remind them of how superhuman they were during labor and delivery. Share a memory of how their loving touch calmed their crying baby. Show them gratitude for how much of themselves they have sacrificed to be a doting, dedicated mother. Sometimes we need validation for what we’ve done, to remind us that we’re doing it right. A heartfelt letter for Mother’s Day is a perfect way to do just that.

Get Everyone out of the House (Mom Excluded)

OK, I know this one is tricky, especially since we are supposed to be social distancing. But there are some safe activities you can do outside of the house so mom can have some alone time. Take the kiddos for a long drive or go on a hike. If leaving the house isn’t an option, arrange to give the mom in your life as much space as possible. For example, if she wants to be in the yard, you and the kiddos play in the house and vice versa.

Print Some Family Photos

Since the invention of smartphones, we have all become amateur photographers. Mindlessly snapping photos of everything in our lives. Which can catch great memories and be a lot of fun. But you know what we don’t do anymore? Print those photos. And what’s the fun in that? As a Mother’s Day gift, consider printing out a visual timeline of her journey to (and through) motherhood. There are a lot of great online printing services where you can upload your images and have them mailed to you. That way you can maintain your social distancing and still have give a thoughtful gift. Win-win.

Take her Place

Now, I don’t literally mean kick her out of her role as a mom, but I do mean take on her tasks. If you are quarantined with your mom or your wife/friend/sister who is a mom, then take over the chores she usually does. Women, even in 2020, still do the bulk of household chores. So, take it upon yourself to do the dishes, the laundry, make a grocery list and go shopping, scrub the bathroom floor, etc. Let her have a day free of those responsibilities.

Or better yet…

Hire a Postpartum Doula for the Day/Night

Did you know that postpartum doulas do dishes? Laundry? Cook? Overnight care? Yup. We do it all. We are like magical little faeries who come into you home and make order out of chaos. If the mom in your life needs a good night’s sleep (or a nap), needs to take a break, or just wants someone to talk to about any concerns, then give us a call. We are available to work any hour of the day, any day of the week. Book a postpartum doula for a few hours, or for 10. We can meet whatever needs you have!

Have a new mom or soon-to-be mom in your life? What better gift than the gift of a postpartum doula. We offer a-la-carte, package, and gift certificate options. Check out our services and book your spot today!  952-942-5676 or [email protected]

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